Who we are

SerbizHub Helpdesk is a customer support ticket system that can be customized for your organization. It's brought to you by MoodLearning, an organization specializing in elearning platforms (installation, customization, management, training, consulting, support) and other services supporting the enterprise(such as human resource platform, biometric Time and Attendance, Accounting, Inventory).


Making your customers feel valued is a hallmark of good customer service. SerbizHub Helpdesk enables you to get to know your customers better, with these features:

  • Monitor Client Feedback
  • Generate Reports
  • Promote Teamwork
  • Build Knowledge Base
  • Why SerbizHub Helpdesk?

    Tracking of customer service performance has never been this easy.

  • SerbizHub Helpdesk allows you to monitor your response time to customer concerns
  • flag unresolved complaints